iFi nano iDSD Black Label Kopfhörerverstärker headphone Amplifier DAC Aussteller
€ 99.25
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Nano iDSD Black Label - tragbarer Kopfhörerverstärker (Hi-Res / USB / DAC / MQA / schwarz)
Kopfhörer Verstärker
Hersteller: iFi-Audio
Artikel-Nummer: 11007899
EAN-Nummer: 5081313081844
Article Description
hochwertiger und kompakter, portabler Kopfhörer-Verstärker
schöpfen Sie das komplette Potenzial aus Ihren Kopfhörern aus
maximieren Sie die Klangqualität
MQA authentifiziert
Hi-Res Streaming wie nie zuvor
bis zu 10 Stunden Akkulaufzeit
wir sind Fachhändler für HiFi Produkte - Ihr Stützpunkthändler in Leipzig
iFi Audio - Nano iDSD Black Label - Tragbarer Highend Hi-Res USB-Digital-Analog-Wandler / Kopfhörerverstärker mit MQA
Mit dem Nano iDSD Black Label stellt iFi Audio die neue Generation des portablen DSD D/A-Wandler- Kopfhörerverstärkers vor, die einige interessante Neuerungen mit sich bringt. Die wohl interessanteste Neuerung ist, dass iFi Audio MQA (Master Quality Authenticated -Technologie) unterstützt und damit High-Res Audio-Streaming auf ein neues Qualitätsniveau hebt.
Der Nano iDSD BL ist klein, leicht und mit Akkubetrieb flexibel einsetzbar. Der Lithium Polymer Akku ermöglicht ca. 10 Stunden ununterbrochenen Musikgenuss. Über den USB-A Eingang können Android-Geräte (OTG-Kabel) oder Apple-Geräte (USB-Lightning CCK) direkt mit dem nano iDSD BL verbunden werden. Über einen Schalter können Sie zwischen zwei Filtern, dem ‘Listen’ (Minimum Phase Bezier) und ‘Measure’ (Linear Phase Transient Aligned), auswählen.
Der Nano iDSD BL besitzt einen eingebauten Kopfhörerverstärker der zehnmal mehr Leistung als ein handelsübliches Smartphone liefert (285 mW). Der eingebaute iEMatch (iFi Abschwächer) erlaubt es, sowohl schwierige On-Ears als auch empfindliche In-Ears zu betreiben. Der Nano iDSD BL ist mit dem S-Balanced Kopfhörerausgang ausgestattet, welcher die Vorteile eines symmetrischen Ausgangs mit weniger Rauschen und Verzerrungen bietet.
Entdecken Sie Ihr persönliches Klangerlebnis
Wir sind Hifi-Stützpunkthändler in Leipzig. Gern steht ein breites Sortiment von HiFi-Produkten in unseren Wohnraumstudios der Klangvilla in Leipzig für Sie zur Vorführung bereit. Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit sich auch andere hochwertige High-End Geräte durch unseren Verkaufsleiter erklären und vorführen zu lassen. Wir können Ihnen ebenso die dazugehörige Verkabelung und weiteres Hochwertiges HiFi-Zubehör empfehlen. Vereinbaren Sie einfach einen Beratungs- oder Vorführtermin mit unserem Verkaufsleiter für Home-HiFi.
Technische Daten
iFi-Audio - Nano iDSD Black Label
Allgemein / General
Farbe /
schwarz / black
Abmaße (H x B x T) /
Dimensions (W x H x D):
25,5mm x 64mm x 96mm
Gewicht /
Eingang /
rear/hinten: USB 2.0 Typ A “OTG” Sockel / socket
Ausgang /
vorne/front: 2 x Headphone Audio 3.5mm (1 x direct, 1 x integriertem/integrated iFi iEMatch®
hinten/rear: 1 x fixed Audio Line Out L+R 3,5mm
Digitaler Filter /
Digital Filter:
2 Positionen/positions, 2 Filters
Digital-Analog-Wandler / DAC
Burr Brown DSD, DXD, PCM DAC; Bit-Perfect DSD & DXD Verarbeitung/processing
Clock /
Low-Jitter Crystal Clock
Audioformate /
Audio Formats:
DSD: 256/128/64/12.4/11.2/6.2/5.6/3.1/2.8
DXD: 384/352.8kHz
PCM: 384/352.8/192/176.4/96/88.2/48/44.1 kHz
MQA: 88.2/96/176.4/192 kHz Filter
Filter /
PCM: Measure/Listen digital (wählbar/selectable)
DSD: Measure/Listen analogue (wählbar/selectable)
DXD: Fixed Bit-Perfect Processing
MQA: Fixed MQA Filter
Kopfhörerverstärker / Headphone Amplifier
Verstärker /
Dual Mono 2 x 285mW Direct Drive
Ausgang /
3,5mm TRRS mit symmetrischer Verkabelung / with Balanced compatible wiring
Dynamikbereich (inkl. DAC)/
Dynamic Range (incl. DAC):
> 109dB(A) @ 3v (Direct)
> 107dB(A) @ 0.5V (iEMatch®)
Verzerrung /
THD & N:
< 0.005% (@ 125mW/30R)
Ausgangsspannung (<10% THD) /
Max. Output (<10% THD):
> 3.5V @ 600Ω Load (Direct) (20mW/600Ω)
> 2.9V @ 30Ω Load (Direct) (285mW/30Ω)
> 1.7V @ 15Ω Load (Direct) (200mW/15Ω)
Ausgangsimpedanz /
Output Impedance:
< = 1Ω (Direct)
< = 4Ω (iEMatch®)
Kanaltrennung /
Channel Separation:
>79dB @ 600Ω Load (Direct)
> 79dB @ 15Ω Load (Direct) (1kHz, TRRS plug Balanced wiring)
Line-Ausgang / Line Output
Dynamikbereich /
Dynamic Range:
> 109dB(A)
THD & N /
THD & N:
< 0.004% 0dBFS Line
Ausgangsspannung /
Output Voltage:
2.15 V (+/-0.05 V)
Ausgangsimpedanz /
Output Impedance:
< 240 Ω
Kanaltrennung /
Channel Separation:
> 99 dB (@ 1 kHz)
1 x iFi-Audio - Nano iDSD Black Label - tragbarer Kopfhörer Verstärker
1 x iFi Tasche
1 x Silikonband
1 x Adapter USB A-Buchse auf B-Buchse
1 x USB 3.0 Kabel Typ A Buchse auf Typ A Stecker
1 x USB Kabel Typ A-Buchse – B-Buchse
1 x Garantiekarte
1 x Benutzerhandbuch
audiophile-standard portable headphone amplifier
max out balanced and single-ended headphones
maximise sound quality
MQA authenticated
Hi-Res streaming like never before
up to 10-hour battery life
we are specialized dealer for HiFi products - your authorized reseller in Leipzig
Product Description
iFi Audio - Nano iDSD Black Label - portable headphone amplifier
Power your headphones. Big style.
With maximum output power (32R) around 10 times that of iPhone 6 (285mW vs. 27mW), the nano iDSD Black Label can drive most headphones on the market.
From In-Ear-Monitors to mid-size headphones, the nano iDSD BL is able to drive them with ease. Below is more background information on the S-Balanced circuit and iEMatch/Normal outputs. We just dont do standard. Take your headphones to the max.
Uber convenient
It’s small, lightweight and battery powered. You can take the nano iDSD Black Label everywhere you go and it won’t drain your phone’s battery.Just switch on the BL first and then plug in your device. The Lithium Polymer battery gives the nano iDSD Black Label up to 10 hours of non-stop musical enjoyment. It also has a special USB male ‘A’ connector for a direct connection. Use a USB-to-Lightning (Apple) or OTG connector (Android). Or if at home, just use the enclosed USB3.0 cable to connect to a PC. Stream Apple Music/Google Play/Spotify/Tidal/Youtube content from your phone to a whole other level of quality. Add kick-a** sound to your gaming by connecting your console or computer.
Master Quality Authenticated
iFi always strives to bring you choice. We’ve added yet another file format to our portfolio in the form of MQA in the new BL. Take TIDAL or your MQA file to a whole new level.MQA is an audio technology developed by Bob Stuart. This technology makes hi-res audio streaming a reality and delivers studio master quality audio to your headphones.
An original Master file of up to 384kHz/24Bit which has been encoded in MQA, is transmitted as a 48 kHz/24Bit file. At the end of the chain, whether the decoding and rendering takes place in the same device, or whether the process is split between a software application and a separate DAC, the result will still yield the full, original 384kHz/24BIt file.
For mobile DACs with both portability and power considerations, MQA Rendering is the ideal solution as the workload is shared between the host (computer) and the client (DAC). In this case, for a DAC such as the nano iDSD BL, less CPU processing and lower electrical power are needed. This approach for the iFi portable range remains a full end-to-end MQA solution and the listener still enjoys the full benefits of MQA without compromise.
We are committed to working with MQA to bring MQA support (be it as Renderer or joint Decoder and Renderer where appropriate) to as many iFi products, including existing products, as possible to our customers.
High-Res Audio Certified
The nano iDSD Black Label is one of the best native highest-resolution DACs you can find, supporting PCM up to 32/384 kHz and DSD up to 256 times the sample rate of a CD, even on Mac OSX* and mobile phones*. It is also certified ‘High-Res Audio’ according to the stringent criteria set down by JEITA and JAS (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association and Japan Audio Society). Don’t accept low-resolution music!(*firmware upgrade needs to be applied to enable DSD256 on all devices)
Perfect your listening pleasure
The nano iDSD Black Label lets you choose between the ‘Listen’ (Minimum Phase Bezier Filter) and ‘Measure’ (Linear Phase Transient Aligned Filter) options. It’s the only portable DAC to give you so much control.
Compatible. Like no other.
The new headphone amplifier delivers more than double the power of the original nano iDSD into 16 Ohm and over four times the power into high-impedance headphones. Meanwhile, the built-in IEMatch circuit ensures that even extremely sensitive headphones and IEMs are ‘hiss free’ throughout the volume range.The nano iDSD Black Label also includes the S-Balanced wiring system for the headphone outputs, giving the full benefit of balanced outputs when used with headphones and IEMs (fitted with balanced wiring) with low-noise and lower distortion. Even single-ended headphones benefit, as S-Balanced cuts crosstalk in half (without the need to re-wire headphones to benefit).
And as always, we use the ultimate components…
As is the AMR/iFi DNA, we love to audition and vet new parts as they come onto the market and where possible, use the ultimate components. Whereas some shun internals pictures, we always strive to show ‘what’s under the hood’ as customers like to make informed purchasing decisions based upon sonics and outright ‘sound for the pound’.The nano iDSD Black Label, while very affordable, is packed to the rafters with boutique components.
The parts, the circuitry, the implementation is something else and makes the nano iDSD Black Label a worthy successor to the original nano iDSD. It just goes up against the best out there and kicks butt.
The nano iDSD one of the few portable, truly audiophile DACamps out there and the fact that it is priced appealing to the real-world means many are going to enjoy their music a whole lot more without being excluded by the price.
So, get your toes a tapping to the file format of your choice and get jammin with the new BL.
Discover your own personal sound experience
In our living room studio "Klangvilla" in Leipzig we feature more hi-fi products which are at all times ready for presentation. You will have the option to be explained and demonstrated also other high-quality high-end devices by our sales manager who will be available for you. We can also recommend the appropriate wiring and other high quality Hi-Fi accessories. Please just simply arrange a date for demonstration or consulting service with our home Hi-Fi sales manager.
Technical Data
iFi-Audio - Nano iDSD Black Label
Allgemein / General
Farbe /
schwarz / black
Abmaße (H x B x T) /
Dimensions (W x H x D):
25,5mm x 64mm x 96mm
Gewicht /
Eingang /
rear/hinten: USB 2.0 Typ A “OTG” Sockel / socket
Ausgang /
vorne/front: 2 x Headphone Audio 3.5mm (1 x direct, 1 x integriertem/integrated iFi iEMatch®
hinten/rear: 1 x fixed Audio Line Out L+R 3,5mm
Digitaler Filter /
Digital Filter:
2 Positionen/positions, 2 Filters
Digital-Analog-Wandler / DAC
Burr Brown DSD, DXD, PCM DAC; Bit-Perfect DSD & DXD Verarbeitung/processing
Clock /
Low-Jitter Crystal Clock
Audioformate /
Audio Formats:
DSD: 256/128/64/12.4/11.2/6.2/5.6/3.1/2.8
DXD: 384/352.8kHz
PCM: 384/352.8/192/176.4/96/88.2/48/44.1 kHz
MQA: 88.2/96/176.4/192 kHz Filter
Filter /
PCM: Measure/Listen digital (wählbar/selectable)
DSD: Measure/Listen analogue (wählbar/selectable)
DXD: Fixed Bit-Perfect Processing
MQA: Fixed MQA Filter
Kopfhörerverstärker / Headphone Amplifier
Verstärker /
Dual Mono 2 x 285mW Direct Drive
Ausgang /
3,5mm TRRS mit symmetrischer Verkabelung / with Balanced compatible wiring
Dynamikbereich (inkl. DAC)/
Dynamic Range (incl. DAC):
> 109dB(A) @ 3v (Direct)
> 107dB(A) @ 0.5V (iEMatch®)
Verzerrung /
THD & N:
< 0.005% (@ 125mW/30R)
Ausgangsspannung (<10% THD) /
Max. Output (<10% THD):
> 3.5V @ 600Ω Load (Direct) (20mW/600Ω)
> 2.9V @ 30Ω Load (Direct) (285mW/30Ω)
> 1.7V @ 15Ω Load (Direct) (200mW/15Ω)
Ausgangsimpedanz /
Output Impedance:
< = 1Ω (Direct)
< = 4Ω (iEMatch®)
Kanaltrennung /
Channel Separation:
>79dB @ 600Ω Load (Direct)
> 79dB @ 15Ω Load (Direct) (1kHz, TRRS plug Balanced wiring)
Line-Ausgang / Line Output
Dynamikbereich /
Dynamic Range:
> 109dB(A)
THD & N /
THD & N:
< 0.004% 0dBFS Line
Ausgangsspannung /
Output Voltage:
2.15 V (+/-0.05 V)
Ausgangsimpedanz /
Output Impedance:
< 240 Ω
Kanaltrennung /
Channel Separation:
> 99 dB (@ 1 kHz)
Scope of Delivery
1 x iFi-Audio - Nano iDSD Black Label - portable headphone amplifier in black
1 x iFi bag
1 x silicone bracelet
1 x USB A Female > B Female Cable
1 x USB A Female > B Female Adapter
1 x Warranty Card
1 x User Manual
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